Down a suburban street, under a canopy of Zibbibo and white grapes, on a plot of land in Keilor lies Rose Creek Estate – Melbourne’s local home of award winning wine and olive oil. In Growing Honest Food, Gabriella Gomersal-Hubbard captures the story of it’s beginnings and how from scratch owners, Tony and Lina Siciliano created a patch of their own to remind them of the ways of their homeland Calabria in southern Italy.
Together, Tony and Lina have built a family home, an orchard, olive grove and vineyard full of natural bounty including multi-award winning wine and olive oil. After almost two years in the making which involved Gabriella shadowing the Siciliano’s every move at Rose Creek, the book not only captures the personal story of the Siciliano’s but gives you an insight into: life on the property, living by the seasons, personal recipes and even a month by month calendar of when to reap and sow produce. It is a beautiful gift for green thumbs, foodies, aspiring cooks and dreamers that hope to have their own patch of land one day too. We highly recommend it, and if you can please visit the Estate to experience this little oasis for yourselves – the olive oil in particular is truly divine!
JC xx
(Tony tending to his olives – image by Gabriella Gomersall-Hubbard)
(Gabriella – left, and Lina – right, collecting tomatoes together)
(Beautiful eggplants in Tony and Lina’s backyard – image by Gabriella Gomersall-Hubbard)
(Tending to the vines – image by Gabriella Gomersall-Hubbard)
(Table and basket laden with bounty from the Estate – image by Gabriella Gomersall-Hubbard)
(Tony talking about the orchard during a private tour of the property)
(A blossoming, fruitful vegetable and flower patch)
Books can be purchased: Email Gabriella direct to secure your copy.
Rose Creek Estate Wine and Olive Oil: For information on Rose Creek Estate’s annual open day, to buy wine or olive oil or to visit their stall at a local market visit their site.
Notes: Lina and Gabriella will be hosting a spring cooking Masterclass in November. All the details here.
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